How To Get Out of A Reading Slump

How to get out of a reading slump

Reader, Blogger, Reviewer

A reading slump is something that, unfortunately, a lot of us readers can relate to. I recently went through probably one of the worst reading slumps I’ve ever had – it lasted for months. The worst part about it? I didn’t even realise it was a reading slump. I just kept reading and reading even though I wasn’t enjoying any of the books I was reading. This started somewhat of a rabbit hole to try and figure out how to get out of it. I run this blog, I NEED to read so I desperately needed to get out of it. I was at a point of desperation. 

Through my desperation, I came out of it and discovered a love for reading that is more passionate than it was before. So I wanted to share 5 tips that helped me overcome my reading slump that you can try if you are in this unfortunate position.

What is a reading slump?

At its most basic description, a reading slump is simply where reading loses its magic or luster, even for the most avid of reader. Maybe you find yourself not enjoying books as much, or you’re struggling to even pick up a book and read it, these can all be signs of a reading slump. I want to preface this post by saying, reading slumps are absolutely okay! We live in a world of booktok and bookstagram that are full of fast readers that read 100+ books a year. This can make people feel inferior or shameful for reading less, which can lead to a reading slump also. There is absolutely no pressure to read any number of books a year. 

What causes a reading slump?

There are many reasons you could be in a reading slump. The most common reason, I have found, is that you’ve just read an absolutely amazing book and nothing you read now even holds a candle to that book. But there are other, more complicated reasons why as well. Perhaps you’ve had a change in life circumstances or you aren’t generally feeling the best. All of these reasons can contribute to a reading slump.

How to get out of a reading slump?

Now that we know what a reading slump is and some possible causes for it, we can try and find ways on how to get out of it. But know there is absolutely no pressure to get out of it. You should do what feels right for you. Maybe you miss the feeling of getting so lost in a book you forget where you are, or maybe you just want to be able to enjoy books again. Whatever reason you have is completely valid. 

1. Read a popular book

Most of the time, books are popular for a reason. That sole reason being, thousands or millions of people love them! If you’re not on booktok that may be a good place to start. Or else simply browse GoodReads lists and see if there are any popular books that catch your eye. The good news is, what’s popular changes pretty regularly, so you’ll never be short of new, well-loved books to check out.

If you’re looking for my personal favourites, check out my 5 star reads. All reviews are spoiler-free so you can check them out with ease.

2. Have a palette cleanser

This is actually what put me in my reading slump and I’m guilty of doing it so much. I read a lot of fantasy, often one after the other. I found myself constantly comparing a new book to the previous book I read, which lead me to enjoying each book less and less. So I switched genres!

For example, if you primarily read fantasy, try reading sci-fi, horror, romance or even non-fiction. Branch out into other genres and you will have less to compare the book to and you may find you enjoy it more. 

3. Don't be afraid to DNF a book

Sometimes it’s best to just concede and acknowledge that a book just isn’t for you. Think of it this way, if it takes you 2-3 days to finish a book and you realise on the first day you’re not enjoying it, why put yourself through the extra 24-48 hours of reading something that doesn’t make you happy? Just don’t do it. Put the book down and move on. 

4. Reread a favourite

Sometimes it comes straight down to the fact you may not have been ready to let go that book that you loved. So read it again! Read it as many times as you feel like until it feels like you are ready to move on. I think if I would have done this towards the start of my reading slump, it may not have gotten as intense as it was! 

In the same grain, you could even try consuming your favourite media in general if you don’t have the concentration for reading! For me, it’s the absolute sensation that is the Twilight movies. They’re my comfort and my all-time favourite way to reset.

Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros hardback book

5. Try audiobooks

Sometimes you just don’t have the mental capacity to read. But do you have the mental capacity to listen? Audiobooks are an easy, accessible way to read and can be a great way to consume books when you can’t physically read. Maybe you’re working more these days, can you pop in your airpods and listen to a book while you work?

Audible is arguably the best and biggest online library of audiobooks and they have a free trial for 30 days to see if you enjoy it. 

When all else fails... Give yourself a break.

Sometimes, all you need is a break. Whether that break is a day, week or month. Giving yourself a break when your mind and body need it will do yourself a lot more than pushing through, eventually leading to burnout. 

Take a break, go for walks, watch your favourite TV shows or movies or just do anything else other than read. You’ll find in time you’ll want to come back to it. 

I hope you found something of value in this post! A reading slump is something that unfortunately a lot of us deal with, and something that we may not even recognise is happening until we burn out. 

Hopefully with these tricks in your back pocket, you’ll be armed with tactics to fight away the slump and have a joyous experience reading! 

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