For Authors

I’m absolutely delighted to be able to offer my services exclusively to authors. I have an extensive background in marketing, management, web design and graphic design. 

Social Media Marketing

Social media can be daunting. With almost 9 years experience in social media marketing I’ve decided to offer both management and coaching exclusively to authors. Whether you’re looking for a more hands-on or hands-off approach, I’ll work with you to solve any social media problem.

PA Services

As authors, the amount of admin work that comes along with this can really stifle the creative process. That’s why I offer PA services to help free you up to write more of your book, or even just so you can take a well-deserved break!

Web Design Services

I’ve designed and maintained countless websites from freelancer websites, to ecommerce websites. Being online is imperative and having your own space is incredibly important. 


All enquiries will start with a short video call so we can discuss your needs and you can learn a little more about me and what I can offer. If I feel we’re a good fit, I will send on a custom quote outlining the work to be done and the final cost. 

I understand that being an author doesn’t always translate financially, especially as an indie author. I always try and work within your budget within reason. However there are times where I would not be able to accommodate certain budgets. This would be something to talk about on our call.

Depending on the time of year, my schedule and other factors, there usually should be no problem with me starting straight away. If you are in a rush for my services, please indicate this in the enquiry so I can prioritise your request.

I work on a retainer or deposit for most projects. 50% to be paid up-front and the remainder to be paid either at the end of the month for PA and Social Media Management services or at the end of the project for all other services. I currently do not offer payment plans outside of this.

Ready to free up your time?

Book your free video consultation where we can discuss exactly what you need and get to know each other!